Kastrup and Holmegaard's Glassworks 1825-1975 - DKK129 - Antikvariat - Dansk Antikvarisk Boghandel

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Buchwald, Gunnar

Kastrup and Holmegaard's Glassworks 1825-1975

Arnold Busck, 1975. Hard cover, near mint condition. Illustrated in black/white.

Gunnar Buchwald (ed.): Kastrup and Holmegaard's Glassworks 1825-1975.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversay of the foundation Kastrup og Holmegaards Glasværker A/S, they have submitted an enclosed anniversary publication, that includes the history of the company and various designs throughout the years.
ISBN: 87-17-02080-8, 8717020808

Buchwald, Gunnar

Kastrup and Holmegaard's Glassworks 1825-1975

Bestillingsnummer: DAB 760-41858

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