White, Theodore Harold
In search of history
Warner Books, 1979.
Nice condition.
Theodore H. White: In search of history.
A personal adventure.
In Search of History is the story of Theodore H. White's personal search for the connection between American power and American purpose. White's story begins with the recognition that power is what moves history. In Search of History tells how he has seen men grab for power, get it, use it, waste it. And how, by the Law of Unintended Consequences, power so often backfires on those unaware of its narcotic effect on judgment, befuddling those who mean to do good as dangerously as those who mean to do evil. Not least, this book is the story of a reporter unabashedly in love with the American purpose as he has understood it; of his exaltations at its triumphs, his sorrow at its shortfalls; and, finally of his bewilderment at its greatness and menace, its ironies and contradictions.
ISBN: 0-446-97146-4, 0446971464
White, Theodore Harold
In search of history
Bestillingsnummer: DAB 900-3273